Pri: Living On Earth

Line 3 Pipeline Threatens Native Way of Life, Oil Leasing in Court, Plastic Waste Suppliers and more



Activists are ramping up actions against the Line 3 pipeline, which would carry tar sands oil through delicate wetlands and the treaty territory of the Anishinaabe peoples in northern Minnesota. And while that oil would be coming from Canada, President Biden is hoping he can use his executive power to pause oil and gas leasing on U.S. public lands and waters like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But this is being challenged in the courts. Also, increasingly the oil and gas we extract from the ground is being turned into plastic that litters the oceans to the tune of 8 million metric tons every year. Much of that waste is take-away packaging, and a recent study found that only 20 companies are responsible for most of this waste. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit