Pri: Living On Earth

Brood X Emerges!, Cicada Cuisine, Rescuing the Planet, and more



EPA Updates Signs of Climate Change / Beyond the Headlines / Rescuing the Planet / "Fight Card": Elk at Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada / Brood X Emerges! / Cicada Cuisine Brood X is here at last: trillions of cicadas, underground for the last 17 years, are emerging in numerous Eastern and Midwestern states to transform, sing, and mate. Many will become a meal for birds, raccoons, squirrels and more. Also, eating cicadas isn't just for the birds. Insects are rich in proteins and nutrients while having a much smaller carbon footprint than meat. A Brooklyn chef who specializes in insect cuisine cooks up a dish with seasonal spring produce and, of course, cicadas. And climate change is placing stress on plants and animals to rapidly adapt but without intact habitat, that could become impossible for many. Tony Hiss is the author of the book Rescuing the Planet: Protecting Half the Land to Heal the Earth, which looks at several places across North America where communities are already working