Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP366 2022 AZ US Senate Race with Jim Lamon



Our guest today is Jim Lamon. Jim is a veteran, an engineer, and the founder of an Arizona-based solar engineering and construction company that employs 1,700+ workers nationwide. He's been a life-long, America First conservative who has committed much of his time and money supporting the state of Arizona. And now, Jim is running for United States Senate for the State of AZ. 1) The 2022 Election is going to be an exciting one, across the nation and here in AZ. We are seeing so many people step up for the first time to run for office. Like yourself. Was there a lightning rod moment that caused you to decide to run for US Senate, or was it a culmination of things? 2) We have heard plenty of politicians SAY that they support the Second Amendment, but much like our current Senator, Mark Kelly, their actions and their words do not align. Talk to us about how you would use the office you seek to protect, preserve and restore our Second Amendment Rights. 3) Should you win the office you seek you will spend a fair am