National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans

NCS 7/12/11



The U.S. is taking a much harder look at cyber warfare and how it can affect the U.S. and how such attacks can be stopped. The Department of Defense is set to release the unclassified version of its cyber war-fighting strategy this week. The strategy was finalized months ago and has multiple goals to thwart attacks. The plan calls for the treatment of cyberspace as a domain which the military needs to protect and defend U.S. interests inside. For U.S. Army troops, smart phones could become requisite field gear, along with boots, guns and ammunition.  The Army is wrapping up a six-week program to test the viability of using touch screen phones and tablets in combat. The pilot program began on June 6 within the White Sands and Fort Bliss training areas in New Mexico and Texas.  This dry run has proved so encouraging that Army officials say they expect the first wave of smart phone-equipped soldiers could be shipped overseas later this year. Rhode Island officials on Monday unveiled a new team of law enforceme