Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Compassionate Capitalist: The Cranium Incubator, "An Inclusive Neural Network"



Incubators aren't started over night, and there isn't a shortage of incubators and accelerators in Atlanta area, or for that matter in every major city. The Cranium Incubator is the inspiration of Joe Beverly. After years as a successful entrepreneur and angel investor, Joe became increasingly aware of the lack of access to capital and resources many startup companies  founded by people of color and women are challenged by.  He opened Cranium Incubator in 2019 with the specific intent to change the landscape of resources available to minority and female founders as they start and grow their business.  With quarterly co-horts and investor showcase events, underrepresented founders increase the chances for getting their startups funded and learn critical lessons about running there business successfully. Joe Beverly joins Karen Rands on the Compassionate Capitalist Show (TM) to share insights about starting his own business and his path to becoming an active angel investor.  Joe and Karen also talk about the e