Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Business Success Strategy - How to 10x your sales and sustain your growth



Compassionate Capitalist episodes about Business Success Strategies have covered sales topics such as building a sales team; philosophy of selling; and integrating the sales model into the corporate culture. Today Karen Rands is joined by David Ledgewood - "Ledge" - to talk about the challenges Founders face when they must transition from 'Founder led sales" processes to sales strategy that will scale for unimpeded sales growth. It has become common place for businesses to outsource customer service, inbound sales management, customer support and application development.  Listen to hear how the team at ADD 1 Zero is pioneering the art and science behind outsourcing sales to help Founders face the challenge of implementing scalable sales teams and systems.  Ledge is the Managing Partner at Add1Zero where his team provides lead-to-close sales execution for B2B tech companies ready to leap from 6 to 7 digits of revenue.  From Corporate Services at PwC, Ledge moved into sales, working with corporate and startups