Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

One Of The Top Tools to Make Better Private Equity Investments - InquireOf



Due Diligence on a private investment is more than legal and financial review, and background checks.   Good due diligence to evaluate long term viability of a potential private equity investment involves getting the opinions of experts on the industry, intellectual property, and market opportunity.  This is a steep and expensive challenge for private solo investors.  Even Angel Investor Networks, Private Equity Funds and Venture Capital Funds struggle with building broad cross-industry expertise.   InquireOf has developed a solution for that.  InquireOf was built to empower investors to find industry experts for their deals, fast. Unlike traditional expert acquisition methods, InquireOf's software equips investors to quickly vet deals with easy to use proprietary specialized search algorithms to find the expertise needed when it is needed.  Karen's guest on the Compassionate Capitalist Podcast, Kyle Sale is the Founder & CEO of InquireOf.  Kyle’s broad experience spans turning around technology compani