Blending The Family With Tommy Maloney

EP 224 Jay Deitcher



"I'm A Stay-At-Home Dad Who Felt Like An Outsider At Playgroup. That Has To Change." Today, my guest is Jay Deitcher, a stay-at-home dad who wrote an excellent article for the Huffington Post. After reading the article, I had to get Jay on the podcast. Jay's Bio: Jay Deitcher is a freelance writer, former social worker, a full-time stay-at-home dad from Albany, NY, whose work has been featured in The Washington Post, Esquire, New York Magazine, Wired, Shondaland, and others. Follow him on Twitter at  @jaydeitcher.   Links:  "I'm A Stay-At-Home Dad Who Felt Like An Outsider At Playgroup. That Has To Change." Huffpost   "The Stay-at-Home Dad's Dilemma," Esquire "'Bluey' is the Show I Need as a Stay-at-Home Dad," Parents Magazine   "I Never Enjoyed Sex Until I Took It Less Seriously: When my wife and I had a baby, all my planning fell apart — and I finally learned to be spontaneous," The Cut  Jay Deitcher | he/him   Featured in: The Washington Post, Longreads, Wired, Insider, Esquire,