Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Tricia Turpenoff – Being Seen Through the Camera Lens – Episode 236



Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Tricia Turpenoff, a friend, a collaborative partner in my business as a speaker on my stages and an amazing brand photographer who is traveling the country bringing her gifts to women entrepreneurs everywhere! I had a photo shoot with Tricia just last week, and got to see the pictures a few days ago... and I'm so excited for what's coming!! Can't wait to share with you all! In this episode: How a gift Tricia received as a child shaped her life forever and led her to build a business that makes people feel truly seen in the light of who they are How great brand photography helps you build a strong brand and a successful business Why setting up the “boring” part of your business tastes like freedom Tricia’s secret sauce to marketing that gets you raving fans and makes your business soar Building your calendar in a way that allows you to show up fully and joyfully Tricia was just 5 years old when she received a 126 Kodak Instamatic film camera as a gift from her aunt and