Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0032 - Mūsų Vestuvių Our Wedding



According to the Wikipedia page entitled, Forest Brothers, the Forest Brothers or Miško Broliai were Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian partisans who waged guerrilla warfare against the Soviet Occupation. The Red Army occupied Lithuania in 1940–1941 and, after the Nazi occupation, again in 1944 until Lithuanian independence in the 1990’s. As Stalinist repression intensified over the years, tens of thousands of Lithuanians hid in the country’s forests. Lithuanian resistance units varied in size from individual guerrillas, armed primarily for self-defence, to large and well-organised groups able to battle large Soviet forces.  The ranks of the resistance swelled when the Red Army attemptėd to conscript young men after World War II, with fewer than half of the youths reporting in some districts. The families of the missing conscripts were harassed by the Soviets and this pushed even more Lithuanians into the countryside.  Many enlisted men deserted, taking their weapons with them. By the late 1940s and early 1950