Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0014 - Taip Pat Also



In Lithuania make sure you don't point with your index finger, it's considered by some to be rude.  If you really need to point at something just put all your fingers together and motion gently with your hand towards what you want someone to see.  Labas, aš Douglas (Dennis).                       Hi, I'm Douglas (Dennis). Labas, aš Raminta, malonu.                        Hi, I'm Raminta, my pleasure. Taip pat malonu, kaip gyveni?                   My pleasure too, how are you?  (tu) Labai gerai, ačiū, o tu?                              Very good, thanks, and you? Aš taip pat labai gerai, ačiū.                        I'm also very good, thanks. labai = very o = and ("o" generally indicates a change in subject or the introduction of a new idea into a conversation) labai malonu                                             very nice to meet you. Aš Dennis, laba diena.                                I'm Dennis, good day ("hello"). Aš Raminta, labai malonu.                         I'm Raminta, very nice to m