Principles For Success - The Chris Howell Podcast

Know Your Status 2022 - Help Erase the Stigma Surrounding HIV



On Today’s Episode: In this episode Chris talks with Jessica Glaspie (author and HIV advocate), Kelly Allen Gray (executive director of AIDS Outreach), and Lonnetta Wilson (coordinator of Ending The HIV Epidemic). In accordance to the 7th annual Know Your Status event and National Black HIV Awareness day, these three experts share their stories and how they give life-changing help to those with HIV. Interview Topics: How each guest got involved with HIV/AIDS awareness Various safety precautions for young ladies when taking on new partners The importance of understanding that there is no certain look or stereotype for someone with HIV Why HIV is still relevant even during COVID and the pandemic What it was like for Jessica to go into a safe space when she tested HIV positive Fighting the stigma surrounding HIV and the importance of getting tested even with no apparent symptoms Were there any resources that are available now, but not during Jessica’s time How they are continuing services during the pandemic Ho