Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast

Transforming Learning with Technology: Featuring Debbie Tannenbaum



How are you using technology tools to empower students and give them ownership of their learning? This week’s guest, Debbie Tannenbaum, shares how educators can use technology tools to not only grow student achievement, but to TRANSFORM their own professional practices. In this episode, we also discuss: Creating Engaging Professional Development Fighting Fear of Technology And her new book, “TRANSFORM: Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky”! About Debbie Tannenbaum: Debbie Tannenbaum works as an Elementary School Technology Specialist in Fairfax County, VA. An educator with over twenty years of experience, Debbie is an author, speaker, blogger, coach and technology consultant. In all of her roles, Debbie supports both staff and students to integrate technology tools into instruction through both co teaching sessions and weekly technology classes. Debbie’s passions include working collaboratively with other educators to use technology tools that amplify student learning and empowering student voice.