7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

203. SOLO - Breaking Bad News In Business: Three Approaches To Use



Hi, a big hello from Raleigh, North Carolina. Today I answer the question that we often don't discuss openly. How to break the bad news in business with a proper presentation deck. A young marketing manager asked me how to share the results of paid social media campaigns with her management that didn't go well and put a deck together. So here are three approaches to use to help you maintain that respect you have as a subject matter expert. In this episode: No Sugar Coating approach Everything is Relative approach Mixed News approach Presentation flow tips Key elements of a good presentation Quotes from the episode: "You need to explain the logic surrounding the initiative's benefit and tell the backstory. But when you are talking about the outcomes, you should also explain the root causes of the outcomes." "There are usually bits of good news and bad news to pull from. Can you identify three good news examples and three bad news examples? I guarantee you can do that." ————— You can also join my Facebook com