Freed 2 Love Podcast

Episode 12 ~ Thoughts Renewed ~ #noSidechicking



In this episode we breakdown Tray Kearney's Story of the It's Healing Time and #nosidechicking Movement.  She is a Healthy Love Coach, Two time Author, Speaker and Certified Life Coach.  As she puts it, “she deals with matters of the heart”.  She has a talk show - Coffee With T that broadcasts regularly.Listen as we talk about the dangers of hiding secrets and why you should not depend on friends when you are in trouble or have hardships.  We also talk about generational patterns and triggers and how your children may be 'catching' what you're doing, but not necessarily what you are saying.I share some truth bombs as I reveal some residue that I need to clear.  Another eye opening moment was when we encouraged parents who've made mistakes to 'take your journey off of your children's backs' as Tray articulated it.