Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG1737_Mossy Ross wrote an incredible album to process a tragedy.



Mossy Ross, singer and songwriter of Nuclear Family Fantasy, tells Dr. Lisa the circumstances behind her debut album — a boyfriend that went missing in 2016 and still not found. Mossy's work is a testament to the healing power of art. My first impression of Mossy is a bit of a wild child musician, but by the end of our session, I see a smart, strategic, focused creative person. Her talent is formidable and she share some of her songs on the air. https://nuclearfamilyfantasy.b andcamp.com/track/everybody-lo ves-you-when-theyre-drunk https://nuclearfamilyfantasy.b andcamp.com/track/left-me-lone ly-again https://nuclearfamilyfantasy.b andcamp.com/track/so-many-mayb es-ago