Gcf Austin

Everything Happens For A Reason



Life Group Questions 1. What was the biggest thing you got out of Sunday’s message? 2. One of the reasons for the misuse of the phrase “everything happens for a reason” is due to a misinterpretation of Romans 8:28 in the KJV. Read Romans 8:28 KJV and Romans 8:28 NIV. What is the difference and why is it important for us to understand? 3. Pastor Ryan said, “When it comes to the consequences of the fall of man, we aren’t offered immunity, we are offered eternity.” Did hearing that change your perspective on life? If so, how? 4. Describe a time in your life when you blamed God for your sinful choices, living in a fallen world, or for your foolish decisions and what you learned from that experience. 5. What is the good news that Pastor Ryan shared? How does this give you hope?