Ai With Ai

Xenopus in Boots



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, including a report from the School of Public Health in Boston that shows why most “data for good” initiatives failed to impact the COVID-19 health crisis [0:45]. The Department of Homeland Security tests the use of robot dogs (from Ghost Robotics) for border patrol duties [5:00]. Researchers find that public trust in AI varies greatly depending on its application [7:52]. Researchers from Stanford University and Toyota Research Institute find extensive label and model errors in training data, such as over 70% of validation scenes (for publicly available autonomous vehicle datasets) containing at least one missing object box [12:05]. And principal researchers Josh Bongard and Mike Levin join Andy and Dave for more discussion on the latest Xenobots research [18:21]. Follow the link below to visit our website and explore the links mentioned in this episode.