Bloom In Tech

The World After Covid With Deloitte Chief Futurist Mike Bechtel



What's likely to change in business, entertainment, media and tech in the years after the Covid-19 pandemic finally eases? What's NOT likely to change? I talked with Mike Bechtel, managing director and the chief futurist at Deloitte and a professor at the University of Notre Dame business school, about what comes next, how technology and expectations are changing, and much, much else. Bechtel led Deloitte's work with the World Economic Forum, who put on the Davos summit each year in Switzerland, to put together a comprehensive look at where the world is headed, and what businesses, governments and non-governmental agencies should do to prepare for this different world. In particular regarding media and entertainment, what does it mean to be a creative talent in a world of "spoke-to-spoke" connections with fans, rather than going through hubs controlled by gatekeepers? The report, in what likely was a first for both Deloitte and the World Economic Forum, even includes four short science-fiction stories that il