Building Better People

Manny Muniz - You DON’T have to go big or go home



Meet Manny— he is 36 and is part of the Amarillo National Bank (ANB) crew that has been working out with Boomfit for a few months now. ANB is a unique company—in addition to taking care of their employees in terms of professional development, they are also taking care of them physically by ensuring that health and fitness is part of their day-to-day life.    Manny used to be a member of a commercial gym, but one month when reviewing his gym billing to submit to his company for reimbursement, he noticed he had ZERO checkins in the past month. That was eye-opening for him and he knew he needed something different. Now, he enjoys completing the CrossFit workouts with his co-workers and talking all things Crossfit while at the office, too. Junk food and sodas have been replaced in the lunch room with healthier options, and this  has really shaped their branch into a stronger community.    Manny is also a great example of how something is better than nothing. You don’t have to start your fitness journey going