Lost Levels Club

The First One



Mike and Ting talk about why they think recording a podcast will motivate them to play new things. The idea - a book club for games. The game we'll play and discuss next time: Undertale Discuss: @lostlevelsclub /r/lostlevelsclub Show Notes: Jingle cut from Splash Down Park (Yoshi's Island Remix) by Blen Kotaku: How to Be a Video Game Snob Mike's backlog: 600+ unplayed Steam games Ting's backlog: "Recent" games with 95+ on Metacritic he hasn't finished Baldur's Gate II: Shadow of Amn The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Bioshock Super Mario Galaxy Grand Theft Auto IV Red Dead Redemption Super Mario Galaxy 2 Batman: Arkham City Millennials The former rules for picking the game: Must be available on one of the following platforms: PC PS3/PS4 Wii (inc. Virtual Console) The selection rotation is as follows: Mike Ting Community (later on.. hopefully..) Offer a choice of two, and the other picks one. No repeat picks. Alternative editions of the same game are considered