Oil And Gas Startups Podcast

Thomas the Feighn on Tripping Over the Barrel



Two months ago, Kyle Golden, P2 executive and a good friend of TOTB had a simple message: “you guys need to have Thomas Feighny on your podcast, the guy is electric”. And boy, was he right. Thomas was born with the gift of gab, a passion for storytelling, and a desire to march to the beat of his own drum. Buying a used police cruiser at an Amarillo, TX auction? Sure! Starting a new company in the middle of a pandemic? Why not? Moving to Houston in the middle of the Summer? Of course. Bike riding at 5 AM in 15 degree weather? You already know. Thomas brings an undeniable passion, energy, and youthful exuberance to this weeks TOTB. The post Thomas the Feighn on Tripping Over the Barrel first appeared on Digital Wildcatters.