Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Banana Loca's Shark Tank Story



When I saw Banana Loca on Shark Tank I knew they were a winning team. What peeked my interest was how they LOVED to visit inventor shows together and look at new creative ideas. I mean who does that right? Well luckily they did as it helped them realize their awesome invention of he the Banana Loca. A fun way to eat a a banana and add some flavor to it. They have been growing rapidly since being on Shark Tank so tune in to hear all about it.More about Banana Loca: For years, best friends Bechara and Renee frequented invention trade shows and shared cool gadget finds. One fruitful day when Bechara was talking about eating Nutella and bananas as a child in Lebanon, Renee commented about how her 15 nieces and nephews love banana slices with peanut butter. And the idea of Banana Loca was born! Besides wanting to do it because there's nothing like it on the market, bananas are just inherently funny right?! Just saying the word seems to make people smile, so they decided to make Banana Loca a reality. The thoug