Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

346 - Love is the Path to Well-Being



Expressing affection for and even respect for another, expands feelings of well-being in you and them. Again I was inspired by the drama in Canada about the Convoy that has since left Ottawa. What drew otherwise law-abiding and reasonable Canadians to engage in sending a message. What attracted others, who wouldn't participate, to quietly support. What are the lessons to leaders? I refer to fringe in this episode. I am referencing the most hateful elements of this convoy: the misogynist, white supremacist, anti-semite and homophobic elements that cloaked themselves in the pain and anxiety of others. Those openly calling for the over-through of a democratically elected government. Ask yourself: How do I express respect for and affection for my colleagues so they are able to experience me as an ally and want to trust and engage with me? Look for how this expands overall wellbeing for them and your organization?   Walk with me:    Take the GRIT Scale and see where you land. Take the VIA strengths survey TO