Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: Race to the Tower



It's going to be a long day.night/static time period in the Feywild.  Vox Machina had to ditch and run versus their new nemesis, Vecna.  That one eyed, one hand, flying purple people disintegrator has become the new big bad.  There was a lot of emotion, and a lot of surprises in The Race to the Tower.  VM was stuck in a difficult situation, sit and wait, or tackle the terror right now.  It was a no win situation, and they did the best they could.  This is what happens at epic level, you run into the toughest of the tough out there.  The fight was a series of ups and downs, it's hard to say how it could have gone, but the crew made the right choice in booking out after Vax was lost. What to do with Vax?  There are a few ways to bring him back, there's True Resurrection, there's potentially a wish spell.  How is he going to feel about all this?  Does he think it was fate that he was supposed to die?  Is he going to be the Coulson for the group?  Is this going to be the catalyst that sparks Vox Machina to take