Ai With Ai

Short Circuit RACER



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, starting with the Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (ALIAS) program from DARPA, which flew a UH-60A Black Hawk autonomously and without pilots on board, to include autonomous (simulated) obstacle avoidance [1:05]. Another DARPA program, Robotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency (RACER) entered its first phase, focused on high-speed autonomous driving in unstructured environments, such as off-road terrain [2:39]. The National Science Board releases its State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2022 report, which shows the U.S. continues to lose its leadership position in global science and engineering [4:30]. The Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, Heidi Shyu, formally releases its technology priorities, 14 areas grouped into three categories: seed areas, effective adoption areas, and defense-specific areas [6:31]. In research, OpenAI creates InstructGPT in an attempt to align language models to follow human instr