Chats With Susan Burrell

Reclaim Your Energy



Ep #176 - Reclaim Your Energy In this solo episode of Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell I focus on personal energy. Our personal energy. The one that can get depleted if we don’t pay attention to what energizes us and what depletes us. How do you get energized? Does giving your energy away make you feel happy? Or resentful? In this episode I chat about how to be intentionally energized and how to avoid the energy vampires. For me personally, to energize means eating healthy, getting a good night’s sleep and spending time outside in nature. I like to take time to listen to the birds, especially the hummingbirds. And it’s important to me to go quiet and investigate my inner landscape too in order to recognize what is triggering me. Perhaps for you being near the ocean brings you peace and energy or taking a gentle hike among the mountains is what energizes you. In this episode I share some tips on how to root yourself so that your energy is not depleted. It’s important to pay attention to who or what yo