Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

126: Are your weight Loss results a reflection of your faith? 5 things to stop ignoring!



Ever wondered if your lack of weight loss results are a reflection of your faith? This is not a hot topic but it's something that needs to be addressed because it's too easy to deceive ourselves and put the blame on things we would rather not acknowledge. In this episode, I will give you the simple truth. Five to be exact. These are things that we ignore. It's not our faith (or lack of) that determines our weight loss results. Tune in to find out the 5 reasons! Keep Your Joy In Jesus, Jaclyn   Obsessing about your weight and obsessing about what you see when you look in the mirror? Constantly jumping from diet to diet? Is starvation mode normal to you? Are you bullying yourself by saying things like I’m fat and worthless? Are you someone who works out all week long but then binges on the weekends? Maybe you believe that buying that new diet and health bible study is the solution to your food issues as a Christian woman? Maybe you don’t even consider your food struggles as issues at all because everyone else a