7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

205 - ft. Ryan Staley: Essential Qualities of a High-Performing Salesperson



A big hello from Portland, Oregon. Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing & More. My guest is a sales professional, Ryan Staley, the CEO and the founder of Whale Boss. Ryan is a fantastic and high-performance salesperson, he helps founders and revenue leaders implement 7 and 8 Figure sales operating systems in less than 3 months. Today, we talk about the essential characteristics of effective salespeople. In this episode: What are the tips and tricks to capturing big clients? How to understand your customer and focus on the company's needs? Cold calling tips: how to reach out to the prospects you don't know and get them interested in having a conversation? In what ways sales engagement was changed by pandemic? How can salespeople adapt to the new circumstances? What is the best way to start a conversation with a prospect? How can B2B marketers better support sales? What are the characteristics of effective salespeople? What are some of the salespeople's pet peeves that marketers should be aware of?