Profitable Farmer

Episode 91 - Modern Day Pioneering



In this Podcast, I am delighted to interview my good friend and FOA Business Coach Sam Pincott, sharing with you the story of Holbrook Paddock Eggs.   With so many emerging businesses, especially those that dare to be different, we face a multitude of headwinds, challenges and even criticism. In their careers, Sam and his wife Prue have faced their fair share of all of these. I have genuinely admired the true commitment, determination and persistence they have shown over their 13-year journey.   It is an absolute credit to them to now see their business is really hitting its straps. With a dedicated and loyal team, a strong brand and client base, a scalable business model supported by strong systems, Holbrook Paddock Eggs is now firmly placed as a great example of the ‘paddock to plate’ concept we so often hear about.   With over 15,000 free-range chooks and leading a team of 10, Sam and Prue are a great example of a farming family who have dared to be different while remaining true to their values and