Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Mike Clelland | Pareidolia, Owls and Synchronicity – More Than Meets the Eye?



Is the phenomenon of pareidolia more than just the mind’s eye playing tricks on you? What if the distinct images you see in otherwise “random” patterns like clouds, curtains or bathroom tile is trying to send you a powerful message? And if so, how is this happening? Why is it happening? Mike Clelland, author of the book THE MESSENGERS and experiencer of all things supernatural shares his own sojourns into the hidden realms of reality, including his multiple synchronicities with owls, ET contact and pareidolia. In this episode we dive into the mechanisms that may be at play when it comes to the origins of images emerging in the external world and their meaning. Is individual consciousness literally creating the images that we see or are the images conscious in and of themselves and trying to send us a personal message? We’ll also explore the holographic model of reality as a possible theory to explain how pareidolia is more than just an imagined picture on the so-called external screen of rea