Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Chronic Stress, Systems that Honor our Thresholds, and Stoking the Embers EP 81



I asked my guest, Lisa Zawrotny, to talk about balancing the many roles that we face in the sandwich generation. She speaks to the important of taking a break in transition.  While clearing physical clutter is important, the work of healing emotional clutter is even more so. We talk about the mindset it takes to let things go especially when we think (know – hah!) we’re right.  We delve into the effects of chronic stress and the pandemic. And how we create systems that honor our thresholds. We wrap with a discussion of the importance of breathing when we’re in those stress filled moments and the power of the pause.  Links:  Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter Levine  About  Lisa Zawrotny founded Positively Productive Systems after a deeply overwhelming time in her own life juggling multiple roles as a caregiver, wife, mother, and business owner.   Her path to healing using value-based decluttering and customized systems was so profound she knew she had to share it with others.   N