Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Hyper-Scheduling, Sorted, and Reducing Stress EP 78



My guest, Leo Tumwattana, talks to us today about hyper-scheduling and why it works better than just having a to do list. With a to do list, you don’t have a time commitment for making that action item happen.  When Leo couldn’t find a project/time management tool that met his needs, he created his own, Sorted. One of the things I most admire about Leo is that he incorporates features his users suggest into the app, such as a grocery list (love this!) and emojis.  We discuss how using a project management tool helps you see where you’re spending your time and when you’re most efficient. Leo is a night owl. I’m an early bird.  We wrap up with how hyper scheduling can help the ADHD brain, reduce your stress levels, and free up time you can spend with your family and friends.  Note: Productivity by Design (and the Uncluttered Office) is not an Affiliate of Sorted and has not been an Affiliate during the three months prior to the date hereof.  Links:   Get Things Done by David Allen  Eisenhow