Directions Magazine Podcasts

Geoinspirations Podcast Series: Dr. Sarah Bednarz - Developing Spatial Habits of Mind for a Better World



This episode of GeoInspirations features Dr. Sarah Bednarz, Professor Emerita, long-time champion of research and practice in geospatial technology in education. Learn about her work, her journey, and her current initiatives. Dr. Kerski shares, "When I started my doctoral work in GIS in education, Dr. Bednarz was one of the first people I connected with as she had already blazed trails I was interested in pursuing. I have had the great pleasure of working with her and I admired her ever since. She has had enormous impact on my career and that of countless educators, students, researchers, geo-GIS-enviro practitioners, and many others. In particular because she has had interest and been effective in both the K-12 and university educational spaces, I believe her story is a fascinating one for those listening to the podcast—and for people to share with others.