State Shifters

SSP 104: Justin Frandson: How EMFs are Impacting Your Health



Today's episode with Justin Frandson has some vital information on how you can improve your internal health and external environment through topics you may have never heard before. Justin Frandson is an Athleticism Performance Coach that has worked with amateur and professional athletes for over the past two decades. He saw his athlete breaking down from the excessive levels of EMF from their SMART watches, wireless earbuds, and electric cars.  We explore:  - Wearable tech and the impact on our health  - Future impact of technology on fertility  - What technology is okay to use - What you can do to subside the effects of high EMFs from everyday technology  - Effective way of flushing toxins from your system - What you can do today to start improving your lifestyle and creating a health home Connect with Justin on:  Instagram : EMFRocks Facebook: EMFRocks Website Connect with me on: - Instagram: @Stateshifters - TikTok: Jordancandlish01 - Facebook: Stateshifters