Centric Cities Podcast

Healing Futures | The History Of Disease



Welcome to our first audio report as part of the Healing Futures programme This is a discussion on the history of disease, part research and part discussion, between Araceli Camargo, Elahi Hossain, Hannah Yu-Pearson, and Rhiannon Osborne. When we look at the history of human health and disease, research suggests there have been three epidemiological transitions - that is, changes in the patterns of death and disease - across the human timeline. + The first transition was the age of pestilence and famine - this occurred around 10,000 years as human societies moved away from a nomadic, hunter gatherer lifestyle to embrace the agricultural revolution and form agrarian societies. + The second transition was the age of receding pandemic - which occurred in tandem with the industrial revolution. + The third transition is the age of degenerative and human-made diseases and ageing populations which we are currently within. And what's becoming clearer is that our modern environments are not suited to our biologica