Liquid Church

Baptism In The Holy Spirit | Wind & Fire Part 2



Did you know that God loves us so much, He wants us to be filled with His Holy Spirit? The phrase “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” may seem strange, but comes from Acts 1:5, which says, “For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” This promise of Jesus was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) when the disciples experienced the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit of Jesus - and as a result, the Christian church was born! The truth is, the Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood member of the Trinity - which explains the "power outage" in the lives of many Christians! In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Kayra Montanez shares the 3 ways we are called to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit. Are you charismatic? The Holy Spirit is bigger than your signs-and-wonders events. Are you conservative? The Holy Spirit will not be limited by your theology. We hope this message helps clear up confusion about who the Holy Spirit is! Wind & Fire Series | Pastor Kay