Kickass News

Brian Kilmeade on Andrew Jackson & America's Second Revolutionary War



Brian Kilmeade, co-host of Fox & Friends, talks about his new book  Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans: The Battle That Shaped America's Destiny.  He describes a confrontation with a British officer that became a defining moment for a young Andrew Jackson, how Jackson lead an army with a bullet wound to his shoulder and dysentery, and how Jackson never deserted his men and threatened to shoot any man who deserted him!  Brian reveals why New Orleans was so strategically important, how Jackson’s army was able to defeat the British in a mere 45 minutes, and what the consequences might have been if Jackson had lost.  Plus Brian Kilmeade talks about the comparisons between Jackson and Trump and weighs in on recent calls to reavaluate Jackson’s place in the history books.   Order Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans: The Battle That Shaped America's Destiny on Amazon or download the audio book on Audible.  Catch Brian Kilmeade every weekday on Fox and Friends and his radio show The Brian Kilm