Kickass News

The Great Communicator Alan Alda Returns!!



As an award-winning actor, director, writer, and science communicator, Alan Alda has become something of an expert in empathy, relating to others, and facilitating greater communication and understanding.  Today he returns to the podcast to share some of what he's learned.  He recalls how an unfortunate experience with his dentist set him on a path to teaching better communication between doctors and their patients, and how he became a much better interviewer on Scientific American Frontiers when he stopped trying to be a know-it-all and just indulged his own curiosity.  He talks about theory of mind, how he experimented in his daily life to develop greater empathy for others, how to heal the political divide one conversation at a time, and whether his wife of 60 years thinks he's really a great communicator. Order Alan Alda's new book If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face?: My Adventures in the Art and Science of Relating and Communicating on Amazon or download the audiobook for free with a