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Dave Anthony & Gareth Reynolds of "The Dollop" Tell Weird Tales From America's Forgotten History



Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds, hosts of The Dollop podcast share some of the stranger tales in their new book The United States of Absurdity: Untold Stories in America's History.  They discuss quack medicine, meat showers, and straw hat riots. We talk about the excruciating death of America’s founding father, and how another U.S. president left a 1400 lb wheel of cheese sitting in the White House hallway for over year. We talk about Congress’s plan to bring hippo meat to the masses, Dr. Henry Heimlich’s idea to cure AIDS with malaria, two guys who built a flying Pinto, and how, not surprisingly, alcohol played a key role in some of the weirdest and most idiotic chapters in our history. Order The United States of Absurdity: Untold Stories in America's History on Amazon or download the audiobook for free with a special trial offer from Audible at  Subscribe to Dave and Gareth’s podcast The Dollop on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts or go to www.dolloppod