Kickass News

Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Suing the President, Restoring the Constitution, & Rising to the Top from a Wheelchair



Texas Governor Greg Abbott talks about his plan to restore the Constitution to our federal government as outlined in his new book BROKEN BUT UNBOWED: THE FIGHT TI FIX A BROKEN AMERICA.  Governor Abbott also discusses his inspiring story of how he rose to become the longest serving Attorney General in Texas history and now Governor of that state despite being a paraplegic, how being wheelchair bound may have helped him win one of his first cases, and his thoughts on the Americans with Disabilities Act.  He talks about his 31 lawsuits against the Obama Administration including challenges to Obamacare and President Obama’s executive order granting amnesty to illegals, plus he also gives his tips on where to go for the best BBQ and Tex-Mex in the Lone Star State. If you enjoyed my conversation with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, I would highly recommend that you order his new book BROKEN BUT UNBOWED on Amazon or you can download the audio version of his book for free through a special trial offer for our listeners