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Parag Khanna Explains Why Globalism Is Great for America and the World



My guest today is global strategist, world traveler and best-selling author Dr. Parag Khanna.  He's written a new book called Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization.  In contrast to the demonization of globalization, trade and immigration that's taking place in the 2016 election, Parag Khanna offers a hopeful vision of the future in which global supply chains matter more than borders, resources are shared most efficiently, and the most connected nations and people will thrive.  Today he'll talk about the fallacies of nationalism and anti-globalism, he’ll talk about connectivity and trade as the greatest force for world peace, and he’ll discuss how the future will be less about nations and borders and more about interconnected mega-cities. Special thanks to the Milken Institute for hosting this interview during the 2016 Milken Global Conference. Visit to learn more.  If you enjoyed my conversation with Parag Khanna, I'd encourage you to read his book Connectography: