Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

288: 10 Takeaways from My First In-Person Blogging Conference Since the Pandemic with Megan Porta



In this episode, Megan talks through her top 10 takeaways after attending her first in-person blogging conference since the pandemic (over 2 years ago!). In-person gatherings are super valuable for entrepreneurs who “go it alone” most of the time. They are imperative for growth, connection and so much more. - Connecting with people in person is EVERYTHING. - Investing in yourself and your business needs to be a priority. - The amount of self-educating we’ve done collectively since the pandemic started is incredible and that was evident at the conference. - Collaboration is way cooler than competition. There’s room for every single person to shine in their unique way. - Doing scary things is scary, yes, but the rewards far outweigh the fears. - Join us in the episode for the remaining 5 takeaways!