Kickass News

Steve Forbes, Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Magazine on Reviving America



My guest today is Steve Forbes is chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media. He’s authored or co-authored 4 books including his most recent one titled REVIVING AMERICA: HOW REPEALING OBAMACARE, REPLACING THE TAX CODE, AND REFORMING THE FED WILL RESTORE HOPE AND PROSPERITY. Steve Forbes discusses the tragic irony of a healthcare system caters to the insurance companies, employers and big government while all but ignoring the needs of the end user. He’ll reveal how one of the unintended consequences of Obamacare is that it’s forcing many Americans to take charge of their own healthcare and paving the way for a true healthcare market that put the needs of consumers first. He also makes the case for a flat tax as the one system that really benefits everyone and a return to the gold standard as the best way to stabilize and grow the U.S. economy. Plus Steve Forbes will talk about the future of Forbes, running for President, and more. If you enjoyed my interview with Steve Forbes, then order his book REVIVING