Kickass News

(Rebroadcast) Pt. 1: E.M.P. - The Day the Earth Stood Still w/ guest Dr. Peter Vincent Pry



Ben is a little sick this week, but he'll be back with a new episode on Monday.  In the meantime, enjoy this rebroadcast on E.M.P. If you have heard of an electromagnetic pulse at all, it's probably from sci-fi movies like The Matrix or novels, but an E.M.P. is not science fiction.  E.M.P. is a real scientific phenomenon that has the ability to destroy not just every single electronic in your home, but the entire U.S. electric grid.  It has happened before and will almost certainly happen again.  But next time, it may not be a natural E.M.P. from a solar flare.  It very well may be a man-made E.M.P. from a nuclear warhead detonated at a high altitude by one of America's enemies like North Korea or Iran.  And the scariest part is that right now the U.S. is entirely defenseless against an E.M.P. attack.  E.M.P. expert Dr. Peter Vincent Pry will explain what an E.M.P. is, how bad the devastation would be, and which countries have weaponized E.M.P. with the intention of using them against the United States.  If