The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 565: Get Better Skin, A Healthier Brain, & Smarter Metabolism - With Dr. Cate Shanahan



There’s a relatively new ingredient in our food supply that has permeated most products on grocery store shelves: highly processed vegetable and seed oils. These oils, such as canola oil and soybean oil, are highly refined, ultra-processed, high in inflammatory fatty acids—and they’re contributing to our high rates of obesity, degenerative brain diseases, and more chronic illnesses. The foremost expert in this topic is Dr. Cate Shanahan. In her book, The Fatburn Fix, Dr. Cate outlines how an overabundance of these seed oils are contributing to our major health problems and what we can do about it. On today’s show, she’s sharing her insights on the big issue with processed seed oils in the Standard American Diet. You’re going to learn about which specific seed oils to avoid, how they’re created, and what makes them so toxic for human health. Dr. Cate is sharing how cutting out seed oils can eradicate some of our major killers, plus simple swaps you can make to better your health instantly. So click play and en