Kickass News

Policing for Profit - The Civil Asset Forfeiture Nightmare (Part 2)



In yesterday's episode, we talked about how law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal levels have been misusing U.S. civil asset forfeiture laws to seize billions in property and money from ordinary law-abiding Americans.  They're taking homes, cars, boats, and even the cash out of your wallet. In this episode, you'll hear about how the feds are taking civil asset forfeiture abuse one step farther and literally stealing money out of the bank accounts of citizens who have done nothing wrong.  You NEED to download this episode, because you could be their next victim. We'll also reveal that one of the worst abusers of civil asset forfeiture laws is President Obama's new U.S. Attorney General.  In just one case, her department took $446,000 straight from the bank account of three brothers who had done nothing wrong and were never accused of any crime.  And worst of all, her department drug the case on for 2 1/2 years without even giving the brothers a hearing before a judge. We'll talk to a man