Knowledge For Men – more Purpose, Success, Happiness & Freedom

How to Breakthrough Your Plateaus and Achieve Like the Top 1% With Rich Litvin



Rich Litvin is a high-performance coach who helps Olympic athletes, presidential candidates, and special forces members achieve  more in their life, business, and relationships. He is also the Co-author  of the bestselling book “The Prosperous Coach.” Favorite Success Quote “Confidence is a result, n0t a requirement” Key Points 1. You Need to Live a Life of Integrity If you want to be respected in life and succeed at the highest level, then you must be a man of integrity. This does not simply mean that you keep your word when you make a promise. It means that your thoughts, words, and actions are all in congruence. You don’t lie and blow smoke to appease others, you don’t hold your tongue to avoid pissing people off, and you don’t live a life that is incongruent with what you want to make others happy. You live a life of congruence where everything is in line. This is the pathway to true power. 2. If You Want to Live Life Fully Kill the Nice Guy Most men play life small. Why? Because they are nice. Or at leas