Knowledge For Men – more Purpose, Success, Happiness & Freedom

Why Positive Thinking will Not Change Your Life and What to Do Instead With David Essel



Master Business, Relationship, and Success Coach, TV/Radio Host, Author of 9 Books, Inspirational Speaker David began his career in the health and fitness industry and quickly was named “Mr. Motivation” by Lifetime Television and “The Master of Motivation” by American Fitness magazine. Favorite Success Quote “Every action into the uncomfortable ensures our success in life” Key Points 1. You Have to become Uncomfortable  Life is not lived within your comfort zone. If you want to achieve success, you cannot sit on your couch  and visualize it, you have to get up off your butt and go after it. Want to get shredded? Get yourself to the gym, lift weights, and track your diet. Want to make more money? Work 80 hours a week intentionally on your business for 90 days and see what your results are. The only way to succeed is to do the things that are uncomfrotable and painful. 2. We Cannot Live for Instant Gratification If you are living for instant gratification, you will never acheive fulfillment. You must learn to d