Knowledge For Men – more Purpose, Success, Happiness & Freedom

Turn Down the Voices of Limitation & Turn Up the Volume of Success With Aaron Anastasi



Aaron Anastasi is the founder and coach of the internationally recognized, Superior Singing Method, an online singing lesson program that grosses seven figures annually. With over 10,000,000 views and 100,000 subscribers, Aaron has the #1 singing/life lesson channel on YouTube. He is also a prominent life coach for clients in industry-leading roles ranging from film directors to marine biologists to TEDx speakers. Favorite Success Quote “The inspiration you are waiting for, in order to start, is on the other side of starting” Key Points 1. You Have to Get Started  The hardest part of any endeavor, whether it is starting your business, losing 50 lbs. of fat, or marrying the girl of your dreams, is getting started. Once you have built the momentum and gotten over the fear of failure and vulnerability, things will start to fall into place, but you have to get started! So plug your nose, and jump into the cold water, years from now, you will look back and be glad that you did. 2. Don’t Hold Your Happiness Hostage